1 John 4:4

".....because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Friday, April 29, 2011

a lame update

Life is crazy busy right now I shouldn't even be typing right now so I do not know why I am besides the fact that I need a break from homework!!!!!!

Classes are done except I still have 6 things left on my to do list for next week :/
Work tonight and all weekend!
So that is what I will be doing ALLLLL weekend!

Then a break and then summer school :/

2 weeks untill I see one of my best friends for her WEDDING!
6 days until our Carb dinner
8 days until the mini! I cannot believe it!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011



Love it!

29 days until the Mini....wow!!!! IT has come fast! I cannot believe. Now is when all the anxiety hits. I am so nervous. At first I just acted like hey if I finish than that'll be fine. But no I really wanna run the whole time. I still do not care about my time but I really wanna finish and finish running!

My best's wedding is about a month away! Pretty excited about that. That is why I have been tanning :) Gotta look good for the big event! Excited to see people! I miss Tennessee and the people...but I love home!!! I have been super super busy lately. Not a lot of time to do much....especially breathe. haha
School is almost done...about 3 weeks....then summer school :/ I am hoping to take a vacay to Florida sometime in June!!!! Hope it works out!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just wanting an update?? OK good!

So my life is pretty crazy right now...I hate not updating the people who care whats going on in my life and my life of running and weight loss :) 

School is crazy. I think only like 4 weeks left or something like that....it would be more promising if I didn't have to go into another class for summer! In June I will get a break...at least from school :) 

Started my new job yesterday and left a job that I had been with (the company) for 5 years. It was sad in the sense that I will miss the people but I am happy to keep moving on :) Now I just need to get the footing in this new job. I'll get it...I really like the people and the clothes :)

I ran 7 miles on Friday....thats half the race (one good friend reminded me ) I can't believe how far I have come. I feel God's strength inside me and I am thankful for the people HE has placed in my life as encouragers. He knows my heart and that it is a heart that feeds off of encouragment and I know He placed me with these people for a reason :) I also weighted in this morning and my total weight loss so far is......  15.4 POUNDS!!!!!!! I am TWO pounds away from my FIRST goal weight. A weight that I never thought was possible....and it wasn't with the way I was doing things....and trying to do them alone. Thanks for all your support!!! Praying for all of you.