1 John 4:4

".....because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am usually not one to be so excited for Halloween! I don't even remember being so excited as a little kid getting to go get candy....however I am sure I was :)  I always remember my mom coming up with creative costumes for us!! I dont ever remember buying a costume.....and we were nothing scary ever. I honestly do not remember going out trick or treating except few pictures I have.

This year I will be hanging out with my friends and I think I know what I am going to be!!! But I can'ttell yet because that would ruin the surprise!!!! I am pretty excited. Its a fun costume thing nothing bad! It'll also be comfy!!! Enough hints....no surprise ruining :) You'll have to come back to learn what I was :)

Anyone out there wanna share what their costumes are going to be?!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Why are we afraid of whatever our fears are? There must be a reason.... Some people have reasos to be afraid of fire....maybe their house burned down.....people are afraid of snakes....maybe they were bitten. I learned today that I really am more afraid of storms than I thought I was. It even sounds silly to me to be afriad of them because I have no idea or no past incident to create this fear. This morning we had tornado warnings in our county specifically our community was talked about. I was being told to take shelter and texted by people...who were only worried and trying to make sure I was safe...but it just made me worried. I called my mom to see what they were doing at her work....and I just was crying....not tears down my cheeks but ugly ugly crying because I was afraid of the storm and because I was going to be alone if anything did happen. My fear was overwhelming me at the time. I was crying....my stomac was hurting and I just wanted it to be 10:45 because that was the magic time the warning was to be over. It really did just make me wonder where these fears come from....I don't know about this one.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

what do you wanna do after college???

The question that you hear OVER and OVER again!!!! What are you going to do after school??? Well in the beginning it was easy...I am going to school for Elementary Education....people then assume public school teacher.. However through my experiences during college days I am not really wanting to be a public or private school teacher in a classroom setting. The further into my education I get the more I think about what I could do with this degree....remind myself why I want to be a teacher. Its not for the pay :) Its not because I have summers and Christmas break off....although a definate bonus....but it is fo the kids. I LOVE KIDS! I love their innocence about life...I love their need for compassion and need for love. I know kids can be rotten and sometimes down right mean but that is one of the things I want to make an impact on when I come into contact with these kids. I wanna show them love, compassion, understanding. I want to be ears for them to talk to and a shoulder to cry on and a hug on a bad day.

Anyway I have been thinking about different options....a place where I feel like I could really love being and really make a difference. This past year a friend from church, Evan, was diagnosed with leukemia and thanks to God he is now in remission, but during a visit with him at Riley Hospital his mom was talking to me about how they have teachers to come in to do school work with the kids so they don't get to far behind in school. As difficult as that may be to be in a hospital teaching kids I feel as if God could totally use me to not only teach kids but to just be a light in their lives that could possibly be some of their worst days.

Also the other night I caught the show School Pride....I describe it as an Extreme Home Makeover School addition. During the show there is a team of designers that pick a school to make over. In this show the school had teachers who were Teachers For America....teachers who have just graduated from college who go into inner city schools to help improve the schools. I LOVED THE CONCEPT! I love the inner city and I feel like I could make a positive difference. Again I know how terribly hard it could be but I feel like it could also be a great learning time for me and just a chance to love on some kids that may not get the love they need or deserve otherwise. There are so many options I know and I know God will direct my way to somewhere where He believes I can use my talents and I am soo excited about it! I was getting down in the dumps about not being excited about being a teacher anymore because I had not enjoyed my experiences in the school systems but now learning about all these options I am excited again!!!

weekend delights

I love the weekend even though it is when I have to work at the outlet mall the most. Saturday I spent all morning with my sister and nephew. We worked out!!!! My body is killing right now!!!! But I love hurting after a workout because that means I know I did work. Love it! Trying to be better about how much I eat and making sure not to snack to just be snacking. I have my moments but doing pretty well. So Saturday we hung out....running errands and just hanging out. I had to work Saturday night and then had a fun time out with some friends I hadn't hung out with in a while! This morning we had church which I love! Then I came home opened the windows to take a nap. A sunday afternoon nap with the windows open is an absolute favorite of mine!! Se peaceful and I love it! What I hate about Sundays is every other Sunday I have to work. Even though I am thankful for my job I hate working Sundays because that is when we do a lot of family things and I love family days! School and work week begin tomorrow....thankful for my resting time and good times with friends and family!

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

Loves, Rilee

Friday, October 22, 2010

really loves sleep

I had to get a new bed because I was sleeping on a futon that I have had for like 5 years and well it was hurting my back. Last night was my first night on a new bed!!! I am not so sure who (over the age of 10) gets excited about a new bed...but this girl does :) AND I slept amazing!!! Did not want to get up out of the bed! It was such a reminder of why I love sleep!! It can be so peaceful and comfortable! But I did jump out of bed at about 6 this am because our smoke detector was going off....but we still are not sure why. But anyway I love my new view from my computer I can look right outsdie into our back yard and see the frost on the ground....I am not a fan of the COLD weather buuuut I still like fall and cool crip mornings.

So my bestest friends (Anna Brown) is getting married in May! Whoohoo! So therefore I am now on a weight loss journey! Big prayers for that please! I feel as if I put myself out here on my blog that I will feel a responsibility to actually do it because I will want to update the people who happen to read this thing :) I am following aa girl right now who is big inspiration. She has lost 132 lbc so far and I loved looking at her pictures because you can SEE the difference....it is GREAT! SO I am praying for her that she continues to do well and ask for prayers that I can get this accomplished!

Have a great Friday and start to the weekend!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just starting out

I have seen so many of these blogs. Never ever did I ever think I would be one to have a blog. I am not the best writer, the most creative, I did not make one because I have a reason to get my story out. I have made one so I can write and hopefully something I write inspires someone, makes someone laugh, makes them cry for joy, or just puts a smile on someones face. I honestly don't think what I have to offer is something great except the fact that what lives in me is something great!

This summer I decided to move home to continue going to school. I love my friends that I left behind and miss them a lot, but I know the change was a good one and very needed. I am back home with my family that I had missed so much for the three years I was away. I am going to school for elementart education and working 2 jobs. Life is crazy busy but I am thankful for it. I feel blessed by God that I am able to be in school and have not only one job but two. Also lately I have realized that I do not need a ton of friends....dont get me wrong I do love people and I do enjoy being around people....but you come to realize not all your "friends" will be there for you 100% of the time. Its ok...I just know that I am happy to have a couple really great friends who cherish my friendship as much as I cherish theirs. It is good to be home!!!

until next time...