1 John 4:4

".....because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Sunday, October 24, 2010

weekend delights

I love the weekend even though it is when I have to work at the outlet mall the most. Saturday I spent all morning with my sister and nephew. We worked out!!!! My body is killing right now!!!! But I love hurting after a workout because that means I know I did work. Love it! Trying to be better about how much I eat and making sure not to snack to just be snacking. I have my moments but doing pretty well. So Saturday we hung out....running errands and just hanging out. I had to work Saturday night and then had a fun time out with some friends I hadn't hung out with in a while! This morning we had church which I love! Then I came home opened the windows to take a nap. A sunday afternoon nap with the windows open is an absolute favorite of mine!! Se peaceful and I love it! What I hate about Sundays is every other Sunday I have to work. Even though I am thankful for my job I hate working Sundays because that is when we do a lot of family things and I love family days! School and work week begin tomorrow....thankful for my resting time and good times with friends and family!

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

Loves, Rilee

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