Somethings in life just are not fair. Things happen...I believe for a reason. I have had to learn that lately...even if I do not know the reason quite yet I have to trust in knowing it was for a reason. For me this week it has been school and work. I really need to pass this test in January so I can finally get started in the Teacher Education program. The test is January 7th and a big deal. I have missed passing by 1 point! I just come so close and then it just doesn't happen for me...but it has to.
I was also passed up for a job that I believed was for me. I had worked hard and trained and had been there for 5 years. It was given to someone else...someone who I know can do the job fine, but that did not make me feel any better about not getting it. My feelings were hurt and it just was no fun all around. I know there is a reason that I didn't get the job and hopefully I'll know why sometime soon.
Even though these things have not worked out I am very thankful to God that he has helped provided for my education and provided me with a job in general. I am thankful for school and work so really I have nothing to complain about.
It will work out girl. All your hard work will pay off eventually. I know you work your butt off so keep hoping! (: