I feel like October came and went (with some birthdays in between) and now it is November! I love November for the simple fact of I love Thanksgiving but more than just the food. It is a wonderful time to really think about all we have to be thankful for. First I am thankful for Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior. I am also thankful I live in America where I am free and able to vote today! I am thankful for wonderful Christian parents who love me and brought me up in the church. I am thankful they are here with me! I am thankful for my sister and my best friend. She is always there for me even though she has a crazy two year old :) Who I am also very thankful for. He is the best little guy and I love him to pieces even if he is totally rotten :). I am thankful for my brother (in-law) that he loves my sister and Greyson and works hard for his family. I am thankful I get to go to school to pursue a career I am passionate about. I am thankful that I have 2 jobs when times are so tough. I am thankful for my friends new and old....the ones that know just what to say and when to say it and the ones that just make me laugh. My life is good and even when little things go wrong or aren't in my favor I need to relax and take a breath becasue so much in my life is good.
That is something I need to work on now that I think about it. I am a very fun outgoing person who tries so hard to be just laid back. It is hard for me. I can be an anxious person. I love to know the answers to things and I like to know them immeadiately. I guess that'd be that I am not a very patient person. It is something I definately need to work on. I easily get worked up about things. I guess I am passionate about certain things and very emotional and I can admit that even if it does cause problems a lot of the time. I let my emotions get the best of me and I need to take a breather and calm down because usually they aren't as big of a deal as I make them out to be. I stress when I don't need to and basically I need a large chill pill :) But writing in the blog really has given me an outlet. I say what I need to say (most of the time :) ) and just put it out there and accept feedback.
Ok those are my thoughts for the day! Please vote becasue we are very priveledged to do so :)
I am the type of person who likes to know the answers too. I hate that about myself sometimes and I try to relax and just go with the flow like some people but I know it's hard. :) Good job on voting today. I did too!